Principles of Design - Rhythm

Image result for rhythm in art 

Rhythm in art/design is similar to rhythm in music. 

This video clip gives a glimpse at how rhythm in art is related to rhythm in design. 

Rhythm can be achieved by the; repetition, alteration, graduation or linear arrangement of the elements of a composition in a non-uniform manner to imply movement. Apart from creating rhythm, the cyclical or regular repetition of the art elements creates interest and suggests unity. 

For the implied movement to create rhythm, the repetition of the motifs has to be random. A regular/regularly alternating repetition creates a pattern instead. The difference between pattern and rhythm is that rhythm requires variety while on the other hand, pattern requires consistency and uniformity.


Tara does a whole lot of due analysis on the topic of Rhythm as one of the Design Principles. Follow her blog here.


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