What is the difference between the Principles and Elements of Design?

Image result for Interior Design principles 

Principles of Design have got to do with how a designer or an artist will use the elements of design to express themselves through their art/design.

Proper practice in design demands adherence to principles of design in order to achieve the desired effect. Principles of Design include 

  1. Rhythm
  2. Movement
  3. Unity/ Variety
  4. Contrast
  5. Pattern
  6. Emphasis
  7. Balance

 Image result for design wallpaper 

Elements of design can be said to be the building blocks of a composition. When coming up with a visual design, the materials an artist/designer uses are referred to as the elements of art/ design. Elements of design include; color, shape, space, value, form, line, texture, and form. 

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This is to say that principles and elements of design are not synonymous to each other despite their reliability on each other.

The Elements of design are the specific visual tools that the designer will use in creating a composition whereas the principles of design are the Concepts which are fundamental in arranging the elements of a composition

An artist cannot convey the intended visual message without using the elements of design. While at it, the artist has to apply the principles of design in order to be effective in passing across the intended message.


We sampled what other design professionals had to say about the difference between the principles and elements of design here


Enjoy ;)




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